Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Fair Tax


Does Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson support Basic Income?

Basic income is likely to appeal to many of the Trump voters who have been hard hit by wage stagnation and income inequality. Trump is likely to go for it after his other economic ideas; like the tariff, get exposed for the nonsense they are.

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Payroll Taxes and the Minimum Wage

It is time we took a serious look at our entire tax system and started reforming it. We need to restore fiscal sanity in Washington and, more importantly, create a system that stimulates the economy and helps average Americans, not one that takes 12% of even the poorest citizens’ income for dubious purposes. We also need a tax system in which the rich pay their fair share.

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Steps Government Could Take to Reduce Income Inequality

• Abolish the payroll or withholding taxes, which take a percentage of a person’s salary. These hit the working poor heavily, and they do not raise enough money to cover the costs of programs like Social Security and Medicare.

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