Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche



Three Ways your Exercise and Your Money are Closely Connected

It might initially seem like exercise negatively impacts your finances since you have to pay for your gym membership, workout classes, athletic clothes, personal trainers etc. However, if you really consider all the ways exercise positively affects your mind and body it starts to make sense that working out and staying healthy can have a positive influence on your finances.

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All You Need to Know About Groupon

Groupon (NASDAQ: GRPN) was founded in November in 2008, by 2010 it was already available in 250 cities and had 35 million registered users. In 2014 Groupon Getaways was launched, an app that is used for browsing and booking trips.

2016 saw the company sell its 1 billionth promotion.

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Four Habits of Successful Money Savers

One habit for a successful saving, and probably the most important of them all, is paying yourself first. Prioritizing yourself doesn’t mean spending your money on inessential things, but actually means putting money into your savings first.

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Is Black Hills Corporation Making Money?

The dividend is troubling in itself because the company simply cannot afford it. The money would be better spent on expansion or better technology. Instead, it looks as if the company is trying to buy shareholders off with a high dividend.

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Choosing a Bank for Your Financial Needs

Local banks are usually small in size and as such, it is easy to develop a personal relationship with the bank if you choose to work with them. The interest rates charged by such banks, however, are usually high as they may not have diversified their sources of income and the interest rates charged on loans could be their only source of income.

Large banks, on the other hand, have branches across the country and even internationally. Such banks have favourable rates for their loans and if this is what you are looking for in a bank, such banks are perfect for you.

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Is Square Making Money?

Square has the ability to dramatically increase the amount of cash flowing through the till but a hard time maintaining that cash from operations. The danger here is that cash flow is not steady, which makes it hard to generate flow, or keep the money

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Market InsanityThrift

Some Cool Things you can do with a Falling Dollar

American patriots might cringe at this collapse of the greenback, but there are many positive side effects. Shrewd investors can make a lot of money and have a lot of fun with a falling dollar.

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Long IdeasThrift

The Great Baby Boomer Sell-Off is About to Begin and Change Everything

The aging of the Baby Boom will have many profound effects on the economy; the first of these to be seen will be the biggest yard sale in history.

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Long IdeasThrift

Is eBay Relevant Anymore?

Naturally this piques the interest of value investors, if eBay is an unfashionable company that makes money; it meets some classic Ben Graham criteria for a value bargain. That means we will need to ask the all-important question here: is eBay making money?

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