Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)


Are Corporate Donations a Threat to Democracy and the Rule of Law?

Thus corporations are normalizing hysterical fear mongering that drives violence and encourages treason and sedition. Consequently, corporate donations threaten the rule of law and the Constitution.

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You Missed It

One in 10 Americans under 18 is a Self-proclaimed Atheist

Bama found that 14% of Generation Z members admitted to having no religion (or opinions on religion), and 8% of them identified as agnostics. If Bama’s polls are correct 35% of Generation Z; or more than third, profess no religion whatsoever. More tellingly, 21% of Generation Z members, or two in 10 were willing to identify as secularists.

Around 24% of Generation Z members surveyed by Bama admitted that they believe science disproves the Bible. Around 17% of Generation Z thought that the Bible and science are conflict, but accepted the Bible as fact. This means that 41% of Generation Z’s members think the Bible and science are in conflict.

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