Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche



Is Bancor a Cryptocurrency with some Trillion-Dollar Features?

The foundation’s goal is to create a global ecosystem of Smart Tokens that will allow everybody on Earth to have access to money with liquidity. Liquidity crises such as inflation are the cause of many of the world’s economic problems.

Effects of this might be the collapse of political systems, or economic chaos. One obvious development will be that many countries would no longer have a national currency. Instead, each citizen would use whatever money best served his or her needs.

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Why is Microsoft’s Revenue Growing?

More importantly, Microsoft has accumulated an incredible amount of float including; $142.780 billion in cash and equivalents on December 31, 2017. That cash composed most of Microsoft’s $167.633 billion in assets.

Another threat to Excel; would be a money manager program that actively manages your accounts, cuts your payroll, pays your bills, balances your checking account, and invests your money for your company. Such a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in a box might be possible with present-day technology.

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Understanding Cryptocurrency Terminology

This essay is intended to be a layperson’s guide to cryptocurrency; and related technologies, for writers and other non-tech people. Persons seeking a more technical explanation should look elsewhere.

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