Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche


The Death Spiral

Just How Bad Is the Retail Apocalypse Anyway?

The social, political and economic consequences of the retail apocalypse will be immense. It will change America in ways we cannot even begin to imagine. One has to wonder how much longer this will continue until it produces some sort of civil unrest.

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The Death Spiral

Lawsuit Alleges Latest Lampert Deal Would Make Sears Insolvent

The Robbins Arroyo prediction of insolvency because of the real estate deals sounds a little too optimistic when you take a look at these figures. If the revenue losses continue, Sears is headed for insolvency with or without the Seritage and other deals.

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The Death Spiral

The Strange World of Eddie Lampert

The transformation, like the Lands’ End (NASDAQ: LE) and Sears Hometown & Outlet (NASDAQ: SHOS) spinoffs, is actually the looting of Sears. Like a dictator who has destroyed his nation’s economy, Lampert is now selling its resources off to the highest bidder. Then he pockets the proceeds and flies away in his private jet.

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Long Ideas

Retail Recovery Not at Department Stores

It looks as if holiday shopping season 2014 could be something of a bust. That means 2015 could become a very ugly year for department stores with lots of store closings, cutbacks, restructuring, layoffs, and losses. The retail recovery could be turning into a retail apocalypse for the department store industry.

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You Missed It

Would Raising the Minimum Wage Really Help the Economy?

Nor would the increased wage necessarily raise people out of poverty. A working mother with two kids that earned Nebraska’s increased minimum wage of $9 an hour would make $17,280 a year if she worked full time (40 hours a week). That woman would still be below the federal poverty level. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has set the poverty level for a family of three at $19,790 a year.

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The Death Spiral

Sears is Dying Faster than We Thought

That means Sears could close over 200 stores by the end of the year. It only closed 96 stores last year, and if that isn’t a sign of the death spiral, I don’t know what is. For those of you unfamiliar with it, the death spiral occurs when a retailer’s sales cannot cover its operating expenses, so it has to start closing stores or selling assets to pay the bills.

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