Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Uber Banned

Market Insanity

Uber Banned in Brazil

Uber has effectively been driven out of South America’s largest country, Brazil. The networked transportation app has been banned from the nation’s two largest cities: Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

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France Declares War on Uber

One interesting development here is the French taxi drivers’ highly effective use of old-fashioned real world tactics against Uber, including strikes, blocking streets and violence. Events in France show that digitally-based companies have no real defense against such methods, which is a disturbing revelation.

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Market Insanity

Uber Claims It Is Attracting One Million Riders a Day in China

If China does not prove to be the bonanza that Kalanick boasts it is, Uber could quickly collapse as investors run away from it. China could be the proving ground where Uber shows whether it is the future of technology or simply a pyramid scam built on a mountain of debt.

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Market Insanity

Former Uber CFO Admitted the Only Way the Company Can Make Money Is to Gouge Drivers

Instead of being the cutting edge in transportation, Uber might go down in the history books as the Enron of the 2010s. Remember, Enron, like Uber, was supposed to be run by The Smartest Guys in the Room.

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