Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche



SEC declares Cryptocurrencies Securities

SEC attorneys argue many cryptocurrencies meet the criteria for securities from a US Supreme Court case called SEC v. W. J. Howey Co, BeinCrypto speculates. Hence, if federal judges agree with the SEC, many cryptocurrencies could become securities overnight.

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FinanceLegalMarket CommentaryMarket InsanityOpportunitiesPolitics

Solutions for America’s Housing Crisis

Notably, the number of mobile homes in the United States has fallen dramatically. Statista estimates there were 6.8 million mobiles in the United States in 2014 that number fell to 2.88 million in 2020, 2.42 million in 2021, and 2.04 million in 2022. The number of mobile homes nationwide could fall below two million to 1.72 million in 2023, Statista projects.
I think the disappearance of mobile homes is a principal cause of the housing shortage. Hence, allowing mobile homes could alleviate the housing crisis.

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5 Steps You Need to Take When Filing a Claim for a Railroad Crossing Accident

The first step in filing a railroad crossing claim is to document the accident scene. Gather essential information such as the names and contact details of witnesses, the railroad operator’s name, and any relevant details about the train involved.

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Documenting Neglect in Nursing Homes

Keep a copy of all medical records and ensure that it is complete with notes written by medical professionals regarding any injuries, abuse, or neglect. Take photos of all medical records, reports, notes, and other documents you see. Once you take the photos, store them off camera.

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LegalMarket InsanityThe Importance of Documenting Evidence of Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect

Protecting Our Loved Ones: Documenting Potential Abuse or Neglect in Nursing Homes

Firstly, documentation serves as validation for the victim. It demonstrates that their experience has been recorded and taken seriously. It also provides an essential tool for law enforcement and social services to better understand the extent and specifics of the case.

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