Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

National Ignition Facility (NIF)


Researchers Spark first Sustainable Fusion Reaction

“This is a good analogy for a burning plasma, where the fusion is now starting to become self-sustaining,” experimental physicist Alex Zylstra said. Zylstra compared the experiment to a fireplace or a campfire.

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Chinese Scientists building Laser to Ignite Fusion

“Our goal is to achieve sustainable fusion,” Zhang told The Morning Post. “the cones can be mass-produced and loaded as bullets in a machine that will rotate and fire like a Gatling gun.”

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Researchers 70% of the Way towards Fusion Ignition

Scientists think the laser briefly ignited a chain reaction they call plasma burning, FutureTimeLine claims. In plasma burning, the fusion reactions get hot enough to trigger more fusion reactions. The hope is to use the laser to trigger a self-sustaining fusion reaction that can generate power.

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