Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

P&G’s cash flow

Grocery Wars

Is Procter & Gamble in Trouble?

Therefore, Procter & Gamble is a healthy company. That health will make P&G’s dividend more attractive.
Procter & Gamble scheduled a 71.7¢ dividend payout for August 15, 2018. That dividend is up from 69¢ in 2017 and 66.9¢ in 2016.
Impressively, P&G has been paying a steadily growing dividend over 60¢ for the past five years. Back on August 18, 2013, Procter & Gamble shareholders received a 60.1¢ dividend. That dividend is paid every quarter.
That dividend growth led to a dividend yield of 3.52%, an annualized payout of $2.87 a share, and a payout ratio of 64.9% on August 10, 2018. Best of all, Procter & Gamble has experienced 61 straight years of dividend growth. Its dividend has been growing since President Dwight D. Eisenhower (R-Kansas) was in the White House.

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