Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Porsche Diesel

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Porsche Kills Diesel

Porsche is still committed to gasoline, despite its well-publicized electric car plans.

“Petrol engines are well suited for sporty driving,” Blume told the press.

Despite Blume and Lutz’s pronouncements, Porsche plans to invest €6 billion ($7 billion) in electrification, Tech Crunch estimates. Markedly, half of all Porsche vehicles could feature an electric drive by 2025.

Importantly, Porsche will invest $580 million (€492 million) to make the Taycan a reality. The Taycan is the all-electric sports car formerly known as the Mission E. Auto industry observers expect the Taycan to reach the market in 2019.

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