Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Will Teaming up Save Retailers like Target (TGT)

Grocery Wars

Target (TGT) Battles for Survival

The goal of Smartly; however, is also to counter Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN). Target’s management hopes Smartly will lure in customers by offering prices lower than anything Amazon can provide.
Few retailers are in more danger from Amazon than Target. Amazon competes for Target’s core customer base; the urban and suburban middle class, in particular.
For example, Target’s target customer is a 35-year-old suburban soccer mom. Unfortunately, that soccer mom is the person most likely to belong to Amazon Prime.
An obvious use of Smartly is to get people under 30 (Millennials) used to shopping at Target. Target hopes to turn those Millennials into loyal customers by the time they have kids.

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