Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche


The Best Real Estate Strategies

The best real estate strategies depend on your specific goals and circumstances.

Real estate strategies are plans and tactics that individuals or companies use to make money from property. These strategies can vary depending on the specific objectives of the person, or company, involved, but they generally involve some combination of buying, selling, or leasing real estate assets.

Effective Real Estate Strategies

Real estate strategies vary depending on the goals and objectives of the investor. However, some common strategies include:

Buy-and Hold

This strategy involves purchasing a property and holding onto it for an extended period, typically several years or more. Investors can generate income through rental payments (or leases) and may benefit from property appreciation over time.

Buy-and-hold is an excellent strategy for empty land and rentals. Only people who can afford to wait years for prices to change should consider buy-and-hold. If you cannot afford to have the property sit empty, you should avoid buy-and-hold.

Fixand-Flip or Flipping

This strategy involves buying a property that needs significant repairs or renovations, improving it, and then selling it for a profit. The key to success with this strategy is finding properties that can you can buy at a discount and then resold at a higher price. To make a profit from flipping, you need to keep costs as low as possible.

Successful flippers need a deep understanding of the area real estate market. Skill and experience in construction and remodeling are needed for successful remodels. Individuals with no knowledge of real estate and no experience with the building trades should avoid flipping.

If you are thinking of flipping. A construction or building trades job or classes can give you an edge over the competition. Another strategy is to partner with somebody who has construction knowledge and skills, such as a local contractor.


This strategy involves finding undervalued properties and then selling them to other investors for a profit. The difference between wholesale and fix-and-flip, development, and value-add is that the wholesaler does no renovation or repairs. Instead, the wholesaler resells the property for whatever profit he or she can get.

This strategy requires deep market knowledge and networking skills. An excellent way to get such knowledge is to work as a realtor or an employee at a property management agency. Real estate investment, business, and community groups can help you connect with investors and property managers in your area.

Some wholesalers specialize in selling properties to developers and flippers. They call this strategy wholesaling because participants need to constantly sell many properties at a profit to make money. Only people with a lot of extra cash and real-estate knowledge should consider wholesaling.


This strategy involves purchasing land and developing it into a property that you can sell, rent, or lease. The land can be empty or contain structures the developer will demolish.

Generally, only people with a lot of money, or access to financing, should consider development. If you do not have a lot of extra cash or credit, you will fail as a developer. Most experts recommend investors get experience with flipping, wholesaling, rental units, and other aspects of real estate before they try development.


This strategy involves buying a property that needs repairs or improvements or has management issues. Then implementing changes to make the property profitable. Then either holding onto it for rental income or flipping it for a profit.

The difference between value-add and flipping is that value-add investors can either rent or sell the property. Value-add can be a low-cost alternative to development.

Many value-add investors specialize in finding properties that require a minimal amount of work. For example, a house that just needs a coat of paint. Value-adders make money by keeping costs low and working fast. Hence, only people with experience in the building trades and extensive real-estate knowledge should consider value-add.


Redevelopment generally refers to the process of revitalizing or improving an existing property or area, usually with the goal of increasing its value, functionality, or aesthetic appeal. Redevelopment includes a range of activities, from small-scale renovations and repairs to larger-scale projects such as demolishing and replacing structures or completely transforming entire neighborhoods.

The difference between redevelopment and flipping is that redevelopers change the use of the property. For example, a redeveloper could convert a house into office space, or a store into apartments.

Hence, redevelopment is far more complex than flipping. Redevelopment often requires rezoning and drastic changes to buildings; such as replacing all the plumbing and wiring, for example.

Consequently, redevelopment can be a complex, costly, and contentious process, involving many stakeholders and competing interests. Successful redevelopment requires significant resources, including funding, legal expertise, political clout, and community support. Successful redevelopment projects typically involve careful planning, collaboration, and communication among all involved parties.

Rental Ownership

Rental ownership refers to the ownership of property that is leased or rented out to tenants for rent payments. The owner of the rental property can be an individual, a corporation, or any other legal entity that owns property.

As a rental property owner, you are responsible for maintaining the property, ensuring that it meets all safety and health codes, collecting rent payments, complying with local laws and regulations, and managing tenant relationships. You may also need to hire property managers or real estate agents to help you find tenants and manage your rental property.

Many rental owners hire management companies that oversee properties for them. The disadvantage to this practice is that the company will take a percentage of the rental income in the form of management fees.

Rental ownership can be a profitable investment strategy, as it can provide a steady stream of income from rent payments. However, rental ownership also comes with risks and responsibilities, such as vacancies, property damage, and legal disputes with tenants.

Rentals can take up a lot of your time. Hence, people with families and full-time jobs or businesses often fail as landlords because they do not have the time for maintenance and management. Therefore, it is important to consider the costs and benefits of rental ownership before investing in rental property.

Short-Term Rentals

 Short-term rentals are accommodations owners out for a brief period, usually a few days or weeks. These accommodations range from private homes and apartments to vacation rentals, inns, bed and breakfasts, and boutique hotels.

Short-term rentals have become increasingly popular in recent years, with platforms like Airbnb, Vrbno, and HomeAway making it easy for homeowners and property managers to rent out their spaces to travelers. Short-term rentals can offer a more authentic and affordable travel experience than traditional hotels. They can also provide additional income for property owners.

Short-term rental owners have to furnish the unit. This can be expensive because renters expect everything they have back home, including TV sets, computers, refrigerators, and washing machines. Guests also expect short-term rental operators to provide basic items such as bed linens, toilet paper, food, cleaning supplies, electronics, and amenities such as cable, telephone and internet service. Hence, short-term rental expenses can be higher than traditional rentals.

Short-term rentals are controversial in many areas, because they can contribute to housing shortages, raise rents, lower property values, and disrupt neighborhoods. Some governments have implemented regulations and restrictions on short-term rentals to address these concerns. Many jurisdictions have banned short-term rentals.

Other governments tax short-term rentals at a high rate. Always check with your local government before launching a short-term rental.


Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are publicly traded companies that own and manage portfolios of properties. Investors can buy shares in a REIT, which provides them with exposure to the real estate market without the need to purchase and manage properties directly.

REITs’ biggest advantage is that they limit risk by diversification. To explain, REITs can own many properties in many areas which limits risks. Many REITs specialize in certain types of properties such as malls, warehouses, data centers, and apartment buildings.

Another advantage of REITs is that no management is required. Instead, the REIT itself handles all the chores of ownership, such as maintenance, collecting rent, and remodeling. Instead, you hold a REIT like any other stock.

Many publicly traded REITs are available in the stock markets. You can also find exchange-traded funds (ETFS) that specialize in REITs. REIT stocks are popular because many of them pay large quarterly dividends.

Many publicly traded REITs are available in the stock markets. You can also find exchange-traded funds (ETFS) that specialize in REITs. REIT stocks are popular because many of them pay large quarterly dividends.


This strategy involves selling a property to an investor and then leasing it back from them. This can free up cash for the original owner while allowing them to continue using the property. Some investors and syndicates specialize in buy-and-leasebacks of commercial properties.

Buy-and-leaseback is an effective strategy for business owners who want to avoid the headaches of property ownership. The disadvantage to buy-and-leaseback is that the seller loses control of the property and the tax advantages of property ownership.


This strategy involves pooling money from multiple investors to purchase a property. One member of the syndicate manages the property while the others are silent partners who provide financing for a cut of the profits.

An advantage to syndication is that you can hire professionals to handle all the property management and maintenance chores. The disadvantage of syndication is that participants are financially obligated to partners. A falling out between syndicate members can lead to expensive legal battles.

Syndication is an excellent way for people with full-time jobs, professionals such as lawyers and doctors, and business owners to invest in real estate. Syndication can help people who want to become full time real estate investors or developers raise funds.

Ultimately, the best real estate strategy for you will depend on your goals, risk tolerance, finances, experience, knowledge, and investment expertise. It’s important to do your research and work with a knowledgeable real estate professional to help you make informed decisions.