Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche


How To Improve Your Child’s Writing Skills

Writing is one of the most valuable skills for a student at any level because it is useful during all subjects, tests, and examinations.

It even gets more valuable upon graduation because it helps to communicate personal and business ideas. It is a skill that everyone of all ages should endeavor to master.

A parent or guardian has the responsibility of guiding the child towards sharpening writing skills. A few tricks will help you to assist the child in becoming a better writer – for instance, you may pay for homework to an experienced writer, and learn from his paper.

Luckily, the skill will apply to all areas in the life of the child and especially in academic pursuit. Here are excellent tips to assist your child in improving his or her writing skills.

Help To Build A Reading Culture

Experts assert that you learn skills from those who have already mastered them. Reading quality materials from prolific writers will teach the child one or two tricks about writing.

The writing materials are reliable for learning because of thorough editing before publication. The child will learn such writing tricks as creative use of language, the right choice of tenses, different types of writing, and how to engage the reader, among others.

Building a reading culture happens in the following ways

  • Make reading a regular exercise.
  • Choose the right reading materials,
  • Guide the child by participating actively in the reading sessions.
  • Provide a pleasant reading environment.

As you you build the reading culture, monitor the progress of the child. Identify areas that require improvement and help the child to find a solution. The best writers are avid readers.

Engage In Writing Exercises

A writer masters his art through practice. Take writing exercises targeting your areas of weakness. You should also focus on the aspects of writing that your child needs to learn.

For instance, if the child has a problem with creative writing, take more exercises in the area. If a child has a problem with academic work, provide more activities in academic work.

Supervise and guide the exercises so that you can point at the areas of weaknesses. Ensure that the tasks are of a reasonable learning level. If they are of a higher level, the child will experience difficulties. If the level is below the understanding of your child, the exercises will be useless.

Provide An Incentive For Good Writing

Give the child a reason to write better. Incentives have proven helpful in assisting kids in boosting their performance.

The child works hard because of the price, but will eventually improve his or her performance. Engage the kid in choosing the incentive so that he or she knows the reward for hard work.

Identify Areas Of Weakness

Children experience difficulties in particular areas. Review the work already done to see the areas of weakness so that you can develop intervention measures.

Communicate the weakness areas to the child so that he or she participates in finding a solution. Work with the teacher or hire a professional tutor is you cannot assist the child in overcoming these weaknesses.

Try Different Types Of Writing

Children at a very young age have writing preferences. These are their strong-points, and they play a part when teaching about writing.

Difficulty in writing could arise out of mundane topics that do not appeal to his or her creativity. Consider a different theme, writing genre, or style.

Writing on a topic the child is passionate about will elicit creativity. The child grows in confidence and will eventually produce the best scripts.

A good writer will perform better in academics. Good writing is also a catalyst for creativity and will raise the prospects of the child from an early age. Improving writing skills is an ongoing process since there will always be new challenges as the child advances from one level to the other.