Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche


How Value Investing Can Enhance Your Portfolio

Nowadays, new investors are jumping into the market. With the numerous benefits of investing, such as the potential for long-term returns and earning additional income, you might be thinking of entering the world of investment too.

However, keep in mind that there are considerations you have to make before investing. These include your expected return, corpus amount, risk appetite, and more. To help investors, various investment strategies have been developed. One of these is what contributed to the success of Warren Buffet, who is considered the most successful investor in history, which is value investing.

Value investing is an approach to investing in which one calculates the intrinsic value of a stock against its current share price. Basically, it is waiting for a precious gem to go on the table of a yard sale, snatching it up, and selling it off at its true price later.

This strategy may be very different from other strategies as it looks not at a business’s current price but its future potential. If you’re looking for more insight into value investing, have a look at these tips. Meanwhile, the rest of this article will look at a few benefits to value investing and how it can enhance your portfolio. And while this post cannot guarantee to make you as wealthy as Warren Buffett, it can highlight how value investing contributed to his success.

1. You Can Invest In More Stocks Due To Lower Stock Prices

Getting good stocks at lower rates is one of the biggest attractions of value investing. With this strategy, you identify stocks that have good potential but are not trading well at the time.

 Lower stock prices can happen for a variety of reasons but the price might not actually reflect the intrinsic value of the company. You identify these outwardly underperforming companies and invest the appropriate amount of funding into them. Because these stocks are not popular, you’ll get them at a bargain price.

2. Value Stocks Are Determined Through Analysis

Value stocks are not picked randomly. They are chosen only after an in-depth study and analysis are done on the company.

 Its future cash flows and revenues are compared against its business model to estimate the potential earnings involved. Unlike other strategies that are highly speculative at times and are subject to the whims of the market, value investing gives your portfolio a strong backbone to lean on.

3. Advantage On Compounding On Profits

Ideally, when value investing, one should take advantage of compounding. This is the reinvestment of the dividends earned from your value stock. It will reach a point where your earnings will generate profit without your input.

Given a significant amount of time, this method of investing will grow your portfolio drastically.

4. Value Stocks Are Less Volatile

Value stocks are inherently less volatile compared to other stocks on the market. This is a big advantage as one faces less risk. You are not left to the mercy of market fluctuations as this strategy is more focused on the long-term position of stock as opposed to the short-term position.

One of the biggest contributors towards losing money in your investments is a result of failing to time your entry point into the market. This risk is eliminated as value investing incorporates the long-term ‘buy and hold’ strategy.

5. Value Investing Has High Accessibility

Value investing requires no minimum amount. The misconception is that value investing is only for the wealthy. Regardless of background and income, value investing is a viable means of growing your portfolio.

The only barrier to becoming a successful value investor is your level of patience. Value investors need to be emotionally disciplined individuals that will not trade based on market fluctuations. You can lose years of investment due to an emotional miscalculation.

6. Value Stocks Have Minimal Tax Rates

You have far fewer taxes to worry about with this strategy. With short-term investments, active day traders have to pay tax at the top of their marginal tax rate.

This charge can reach percentages of up to 40%. While in trading value stocks, fees don’t normally exceed 20%. You pay these charges much less than an active trader does.


As with all financial decisions, extensive research and thought are needed beforehand. While value investing is less risky financially than other trading strategies, a stock is a stock. Things can and may go wrong. So, make sure you are making informed decisions when choosing how to grow and diversify your portfolio. As long as you are willing to put in the work to learn and grow, value investing is a viable option.