Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche



Is Visa (V) Making Money?

Visa (V) is the world’s largest payment platform. To demonstrate Statista reports there were 755 million Visa cards in circulation worldwide in 1st Quarter 2018. In particular, there were 342 million Visa cards in the United States in 1st Quarter 2018.

In contrast Statista estimates there were 244 million PayPal (NASDAQ: PYPL) accounts worldwide in 2nd Quarter 2018. Correspondingly, Statista estimates there were 127 million Apple Pay users worldwide in 2017. Importantly, many of these Apple Pay users are making payments with Visa through Apple Pay.

Therefore, Visa (V) has a vast advantage over any potential competitor. Its platform is almost six times as large as Apple Pay and over three times as large as PayPal’s.

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