Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Automatic Basic Income

My Thoughts

Can Basic Income save Capitalism from Itself?

The problem in our society is that the benefits of capitalism are not widely distributed. Tens of millions of Americans have little or no stake in our capitalist economy, and no reason to defend capitalism or expand it. Those people may not join the mob that is lynching the rich and looting their mansions, but they will not lift a finger to stop the reign of terror.
Our society is unequal because human nature dictates that those in charge of the system will rig it to capture and hoard as much of the wealth as possible for themselves.

I support basic income because it seems like the best means of eliminating the economic insecurity that is undermining our democracy and threatening capitalism’s survival. There is simply no way that capitalism can survive without an effective mechanism for wealth redistribution. Basic income might be that mechanism.

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