Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

brainbot labs


Raiden Network Expands

Oddly, full-time monitoring could make the Raiden Network more secure. To clarify, there will always be a guard on duty to catch crooks at Raiden. I think such vigilant monitoring is a far greater deterrent to bad guys than encryption and security managers.

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Raiden Network Token – the Cryptocurrency that Tried to Lower its Value

Raiden is designed to solve the biggest problem with the existing Ethereum network. The current Ethereum network can only process around 10 payments a second; the Brainbot team hopes to build a network that can complete around 100,000 transfers a second.

The long-term goal at brainbot is to build a network that will become a “global scale payment infrastructure” similar to that operated by Visa (NYSE: V). If that goal was achieved the Raiden Network would be even bigger than Visa’s. The current VisaNet can handle 24,000 transactions a second, or 150 million transactions a day.

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