Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Can WWE Survive?

Market Insanity

Are WWE and Cable TV Sustainable?

Meanwhile, WWE is burning cash at an alarming rate. The promotion reported a negative free cash flow -$10.08 million, a financing cash flow of $-11.57 million, and an investing cash flow of -$9.87.

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CryptocurrencyThe Junk Pile

Can WWE Survive in the 21st Century?

Strangely, Epic Games’ Battle Royale Shooter game sensation Fortnite could be partially responsible for WWE’s ratings woes.

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The Death Spiral

WWE shows why Old Media is dying

Investors need to pay attention to Matt Hardy, because his success might be repeated by any performer using open sourced media to totally disrupt the business. This professional wrestler from North Carolina might be showing us the future of entertainment.

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