Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche


Crazy StocksMarket Insanity

Chipotle Mexican Grill: A Damaged Brand

Paying $420.16 a share for Chipotle stock is simply moronic, because there’s nothing in the company’s earnings report to justify that.

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The Death Spiral

Is McDonald’s a Dying Brand?

History teaches us that even the strongest consumer brands can die off. Just this summer A&P, once America’s largest grocer

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Long Ideas

How Investors Can Take Advantage of Income Inequality

Basically, any company that offers high-quality merchandise or a high level of convenience at a good price is poised to profit in this economy. People want to save as much money as possible, but they don’t want to think of themselves as “poor”; income inequality, which makes people conscious of poverty, drives this trend.

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The Death Spiral

Whither McDonald’s

The lack of discretionary income gives people less money for simple luxuries and eating out. That makes low-cost luxuries like Chipotle burritos and Starbucks lattes all the more appealing. They might be the only really good food a person has all week.

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