Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Cold War II

Historical Insanity

A Soviet Invasion of Western Europe would have been Horrific

However, NATO had a secret weapon that could have burned most of the Soviet War machine and tens of thousands of Soviet soldiers to a crisp. The weapon was napalm. Napalm is a flammable petroleum jelly that airplanes can easily drop.

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My Thoughts

There is no Cold War II

I do not think the Chinese leaders plan to fulfil the New Cold Warriors’ wishes by launching a new arms race or building a naval base in Cuba. Instead, the Chinese will challenge America, with TikTok, video games, cryptocurrency, venture capital, and bases on Mars and the Moon that American tourists can visit.

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My Thoughts

Lessons from the Cold War

Alliances between the so-called superpowers and weak third-rate powers caused three of the most dangerous Cold War battles.

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