Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Project Libra

Market Commentary

Square vs PayPal which is the better Investment?

Given these numbers, payment processors are a value investment because they are cash-rich. PayPal is a very cash-rich company now, but Square could grow into a cash-rich company.

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What Value does Scalability have in Cryptocurrencies?

Importantly, the EOS Network Monitor estimates EOS’s maximum TPS at 3,996. However, The Monitor estimates EOS was processing between 54 TPS and 62 TPS on 29 August 2019.

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Is Cryptocurrency Really Money?

Libra could have an instant Coin Price of $182.44 or higher. To explain, that was Facebook’s stock price was on the morning of 15 July 2019.

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Will the JPMorgan Chase Cryptocurrency have any Value?

I think Chase wants to create a cryptocurrency that users could cash out through one of its many automatic teller machines (ATMs). Impressively, users can now get cash and even make pay credit card payments at Chase ATMs.
Moreover, an obvious use of JPM Coin will be to send money to ATMs in other countries or get cash from foreign ATMs.

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Who is behind Project Libra and is it a Global Central Bank?

I conclude that the Libra Project is a separate organization from Facebook. Instead of running Libra, Facebook merely participates in it. Why would Facebook set up a separate company for its digital wallet if it controlled Libra?

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