Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Stronghold USD Combines the Attributes of DAI and Bancor


What is the Stronghold USD Cryptocurrency?

The potential value of $1,421 that CoinMarketCap assigned to Stronghold USD on July 25, 2018 is purely theoretical. Investors should wait until the Stronghold USD Beta tests are completed to buy Stronghold Hold or Stellar Lumens (XML).

One obvious problem with Stronghold was that the only active markets for it are in Stellar Lumens (XLM). Coinmarket listed two coin pairs as “active markets” for Stronghold on July 25, 2018.
They were XLM/BTC (Bitcoin) and XLM/ETH (Ethereum). The XLM/BTC market was worth $1,363 less than the “Coin Price” of Stronghold on 25 July 2018. The only activity registered for XLM/ETH on the same day was $68. Therefore Stronghold’s Coin Price was purely theoretical and should be ignored by speculators.

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