Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

The Impossible Claims of Spectrecoin


What is Spectrecoin?

Spectrecoin’s team is trying to develop a proof-of-stealth algorithm. The problem with that is you would only be able to demonstrate proof-of-stealth by tracking transactions.

Therefore, the transactions would not be anonymous or stealth. Absurdly, Spectrecoin’s creators promise to create “stealth addresses,” there is no way an address can be stealth. If an address exists it can be traced.

Worst of all, Spectrecoin’s developers make an impossible claim for they product. The developers claim Spectrecoin will deploy a fully anonymous system at some point.

The only way for a system to be fully anonymous is for nobody to use it. If nobody is using Spectrecoin it would have no value.

To it differently, you cannot trust Spectrecoin because its creators are making impossible and questionable claims. For instance, Spectrecoin claims to be stealth but has a list of addresses that can be stolen and traced.

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