Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche


The Dangerous Delusions of Mushy Moderates gave us Justice Kavanaugh

“Moderation in temper, is always a virtue; but moderation in principle, is a species of vice,” – Thomas Paine.

America’s mushy moderates are responsible for Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s elevation to the U.S. Supreme. Therefore, Kavanaugh is a creature of bipartisanship and the mushy middle not conservatives or liberals.

For example, two mushy moderates; U.S. senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia), cast the deciding votes for Kavanaugh. The moderates easily overcame legitimate ethical concerns about Kavanaugh.

Not surprisingly, the moderate media celebrates the two as “heroes” for refusing to make a tough decision. In reality, the media is celebrating the mushy moderates for self-serving cynicism rather than a tough decision.

How Mushy Moderates elevated Kavanaugh to the Court

Manchin, in particular, needs to appease Trump-loving voters in West Virginia to ensure re-election next month.  “If he didn’t vote for Kavanaugh; he could have kissed his seat goodbye,” West Virginia voter Linda Ferguson said of Manchin, in The Chicago Tribune.


Likewise, Collins is more interested in the 2020 Republican Senate primary in Maine than right or wrong. Thus, Kavanaugh is the creation of the moral cowardice of mushy moderates.

Ironically, Kavanaugh’s biggest helper is a mushy moderate pretending to be a leftist crusader; U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein (D-California). To explain, Feinstein is facing a formidable challenge from California State President Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles).

Strangely, California’s jungle primary system makes leftist de León Feinstein’s strongest opponent. Therefore, Feinstein used the Kavanaugh hearings to demonstrate her leftist credentials.

For example, Feinstein waited until televised hearings just a few weeks before Election Day to publicize Christine Blasey Ford’s letter. Notably, the letter is dated July 30, yet it was not “leaked” to the media until 17 September. That helped Kavanaugh because President Donald J. Trump (R-New York) had no time to withdraw the nominee.

Feinstein benefits because she got lots of TV time showcasing her attacks on Kavanaugh and Trump a few weeks before Election Day. Disgustingly, Feinstein enabled Kavanaugh’s nomination to help her election. Hence, Feinstein only cares about election not women’s rights.

The Mushy Moderates’ Dangerous Delusion of Finality

The most bothersome aspect of the Kavanaugh circus is the mushy moderates’ delusion that the political war ended with Kavanaugh’s nomination.

The moderates believe Americans will abandon their deeply-held beliefs; and temper their passions, because Kavanaugh is on the court. Worse, many mushy moderates think the conflict over the Supreme Court ended with Kavanaugh’s nomination.

In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. The news indicates that both right and left are angry, energized, and spoiling for a fight.


For instance, progressives were openly discussing the possibility of impeaching Kavanaugh before his nomination. Tellingly, Kavanaugh impeachment petitions are circulating online. Notably, 170,000 people had already signed one such petition on 9 October 2018, Common Dreams reports.

How the Mushy Moderates could destroy the Supreme Court

Supreme Court impeachment is dangerous uncharted territory. No Supreme Court justice has been impeached since 1804, for example. Yet that is where we are headed thanks to the mushy moderates.

Even establishment figures like former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder are questioning the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, Fox News reports. Under these circumstances, it is likely that many Americans will ignore the court’s rulings.

I am reminded of the situation just before the Civil War when Northerners were incensed by the Supreme Court’s infamous Dred Scott decision. To explain, the court ruled African Americans were not citizens. Notably many historians believe that decision triggered the Civil War. In detail, the court delivered Dred Scott in March 1857, fighting broke out four years later in April 1861.

How Mushy Moderates caused the Civil War and World War II

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results,” -usually attributed to Albert Einstein.

The American Civil War itself was largely triggered by mushy moderates. It was the mushy moderates’ efforts at compromise that made war inevitable.

For example, the first open combat between proslavery and abolitionist forces was the result of the Kansas Nebraska Act. The Kansas Nebraska Act was mushy moderate U.S. Senator Stephen A. Douglas’s (D-Illinois) attempt to avert conflict by appeasing the Southern slave power. The act led to dozens of deaths in Bleeding Kansas and turned abolitionist terrorist John Brown into a national hero.

Interestingly, the Kansas Nebraska Act was Douglas’s effort to address the failure of two earlier mushy moderate solutions; the Compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Slave Act. Each of those solutions increased national divisions. History teaches us that mushy moderates will go right on offering destructive compromises and making sleazy deals until the bullets start flying.

Nor was the Civil War the only conflict caused by mushy moderates. World War II broke out in Europe; largely because a mushy moderate British Prime Minister; Neville Chamberlain, kept trying to appease Adolph Hitler.

Moreover, history also teaches us that mushy moderates will ignore the danger until the fighting starts. For example Chamberlain sold out an entire nation; Czechoslovakia, in an effort to preserve the peace in the Munich Agreement of 1938. Yet less than two years later German bombs were falling on London.

Stop Blaming Conservatives and Progressives for Mushy Moderates’ destructive behavior

The Kavanaugh debacle and history teach us that it is the mushy moderates we have to fear. Therefore it is time to stop blaming the progressives and conservatives for the ideological conflict dividing the nation.

It was the mushy moderates that created the divides and the political crisis. For example, the media and the establishment’s warm embrace of Donald J. Trump’s presidency when much of the population loathes the man.

If there is a political explosion; and a Second American Civil War, the mushy moderates will be to blame not the progressives or conservatives. So please stop blaming conservatives and progressives for America’s problems. The mushy moderates created this mess; and it will only end when we stop tolerating their cowardice and appeasement.