Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche


5 Ways To Prepare Your House For Sale

Seeing The Outcomes You Dream Of

Selling a home could provide substantial monetary assets, or represent a solid chunk of capital for further property investment. It’s fundamental to get as much as you can for the property you own. Granted, time, neighborhood decline, and the local economy could work against you; but it’s possible to outpace many of these things strategically.

When you’ve got your house properly prepared, you’ll likely see it sell more quickly, and to a better buyer. Following we’ll briefly cover five tips to help you get your property to its most salable state.

1. Repairs, Remodel, Refurbishment, And Upgrades

A home requires repairs, some are going to be costlier than others. The good news is, you get out what you put in. New remodel, repair and refurbishment will increase the value of your property. Redoing the roof, changing wallpaper or painting rooms, finishing basements, making attics livable—all are recommendable undertakings, depending on your property.

If you’re savvy, you can spend a little bit and make a lot. Install a DIY solar array in a week or two by yourself for $5k, and you’ll increase property value between $10k and $20k; doubling or quadrupling your says 5 kWh will bring $29k+ in value.

Installing a tiny home in the backyard can also be done for under $20k, and if you do a good job, and have properly zoned space, this will add value to the property overall. Additionally, you could either live there while you sell or rent it out as a Passive Income Generator (PIG) to overcome its cost.

In the end, you can double your investment in terms of property value increase and profit within twenty months’ time—provided you rent it out at $1k a month and get a renter fast.

2. Properly Staging The Premises

When it’s time to sell, stage things appropriately. Show what rooms are used for, or could be used for. An empty, bare-wall house is less buyable than one that suggests to the viewer possibilities of what they could do with the place.

3. Pest Eradication

You’ve got to get rid of pests. Mice, ants, termites, the list goes on. Definitely check for roaches, and it’s worthwhile to get “green” pest eradication. Fumigation can work, but it will leave a chemical residue, and that could dampen the interest of some buyers.

4. Strategic Appraisal

Get your property appraised before you list it. You may or may not go with such an appraisal, depending on the market. Also, it could be strategically valuable to get appraisal prior to remodel, refurbishment, or addition, then get a further appraisal when updates are finished.

Get your property appraised before you list it. You may or may not go with such an appraisal, depending on the market. Also, it could be strategically valuable to get appraisal prior to remodel, refurbishment, or addition, then get a further appraisal when updates are finished.

5. Landscaping

If you’ve got old dead trees and dying grass, rip them out, then put in wood chips and a stone path to the door. Perhaps this isn’t your ideal solution, but you’ve got to do something about the grounds on your property. Certainly, they may not be a deal-breaker, but there’sa $15k to $38k variance on overall property value which comes from landscaping.

An Exceedingly Buyable Home

Landscaped, appraised, upgraded, staged, pest-free premises are very salable indeed. It may sound like a mountain of work, but take action one step at a time, and you’ll both find balance and see solutions to your hard efforts. As the old saying goes, you get out what you put in. The steps here could by themselves add $60k to your property’s value, and for half that money in terms of forwarding investment.