Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche


Direct Marketing Strategies You Need to Implement

Direct marketing is when you specifically target an audience that you have selected, letting them know about your services or products without an advertising medium getting in the way.

 Because it doesn’t have to go through a medium like a billboard or TV channel, it is known as one of the cheapest forms of marketing available. It’s also the most effective.

Why You Should Be Marketing Directly

Direct marketing campaigns offer several benefits that you simply won’t get when you go through a middleman. These benefits include:

  • Encouraging customer loyalty by fostering a direct relationship between your brand and the customer.
  • Encouraging person-to-person marketing by giving customers or potential customers something of value to them that they can then share.
  • Testing how well your service or product appeals to a target audience by contacting them directly and getting unfiltered responses.
  • Simply building a relationship between customers or prospective buyers that you wouldn’t get when marketing through a medium.

Ways to Market Directly

Direct marketing has an incredibly broad scope, so there’s bound to be a way for a direct marketing strategy to fit into your marketing aims. Choose from this list of direct marketing strategies:

1. Door to Door

Door-to-door marketing involves a salesperson going from door to door and marketing one of their products.

Expect to get a lot of negative responses, but if you keep persevering you’ll find people who fit the demographic that might be interested in your product or service. Try to analyze the area beforehand with your target market in mind (e.g. if it’s a high-end product, going to affluent neighborhoods would be more successful).

2. Face to face

Although door-to-door marketing is done face to face, there is a difference between marketing techniques.

Face-to-face marketing involves spending a lot of time with prospects and includes holding seminars and more. You can do this digitally in the current climate with webinairs and Zoom meetings, but in person is always best due to the persuasive power of a real-life salesperson.

Face-to-face marketing is the reason why people still invest in custom printed business cards, which enhance first impressions.

3. Email marketing

Emails may sound a little old-fashioned, but direct email marketing is still highly effective as a marketing tool.

You need to make sure the email is written properly with an enticing subject from an intriguing or trustworthy sender and actually be of value. Sending exclusive content via email is a great way of engaging potential customers with your brand and evoking the desire to reciprocate for the free content by hearing you out.

4. Targeted & Retargeted Advertising

This is the crown jewel of digital marketing — the ability to be hyper-specific with the target audience of direct marketing efforts.

 It’s so valuable that data has been called ‘the new oil’, so why not make the most of it? With targeted advertising, you can show your messages to users of the internet that fit the demographics of your customer base.

What’s more, with retargeting, you can continue to advertise to them after they have had an initial contact with your brand, extending the relationship and keeping you on their mind.