Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche


What Does Your Small Business Need to Get Online?

Over the last year, we’ve seen so my small businesses fail. For every business that fails, however, another small business flourishes, and many people are asking why.

Two words: online store.

Why Is Going Online Critical?

In simple terms, most of your core audience is going online and expects you to be there. Most of the people who buy from you will ask for it online, and that’s why you should go online.

You can reach more people. People are living in different areas, buying things from different outlets and sites, and they’re doing business at their convenience. So you can’t just take your business and place it in front of them to sell.

You have to take off the shackles of locality and become a global presence. You can reach more customers faster.

Here are a few of the signs to watch out for:

A Website and Website Support

The first thing to do is get yourself a decent website and a company overseeing website support.

A website is not just an online presence; it’s the prime means of attracting customers, keeping in touch with them, and building your business. You need that website to be nicely designed and optimized for mobile devices.

If you have a physical store, you need to have an online store where you can serve customers who are shopping for your products at their convenience.

Search Engine Optimization

Websites are designed to get top rankings in search engines. In addition to this, there are numerous other ways of increasing the visibility of your website. SEO is a huge topic, and Neil Patel covers it in great detail in this blog.

Social media sites such as Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter can help you reach a whole new group of customers.

What to Do If You Don’t Have a Website?

If you don’t have a website or have a terrible looking website, here are some quick tips for you:

Just go ahead and post your website on Google and other search engines to get it listed in front of potential customers. You never know when someone will find your website and be interested in you. Once it’s listed, you can send them to your website. This doesn’t cost anything.

Get a stock photo service that will give you access to thousands of images for free or reasonable fees. You can use these photos on your site and on your social media pages as well.

Social Media Management

Even if you do have a website, don’t forget to pay attention to social media. The social web can be a very powerful ally in your quest to attract more customers.

You should start managing your social presence or hiring someone to help you manage it. You should already be sharing product photos and other details on your social media pages and interacting with customers there. Managing social media can get tricky, but there’s no way around it if you want to get and keep customers and build your business.

Facebook Advertising

If you have a Facebook page, you can buy ads to reach as many as 85% of all potential customers as they enter the site.

You can use this strategy to help grow your customer base. There’s no need to have thousands of dollars in Facebook advertising when you can simply buy an ad every now and then to reach those who are being targeted.