Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

America’s “poorest white town

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Some Proof Basic Income Works – Sort of

A more interesting benefit was that a $4,000 yearly increase in household income reduced the poorest kids’ chances of committing a minor crime by 22%, Wired reported.
Children whose families received the payment had 40% less behavioral problems than other kids, Costello estimated. Those kids also had a lower rate of drug and alcohol addiction. She also found that 14% of the Cherokee families that received the income rose out of poverty.

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American City Tries Basic Income

Since Stockton’s population was 307,072 in 2016; a real Basic Income would require serious money its government probably lacks. It would cost $153.536 million to give $500 to give each Stockton’s citizens a month. The yearly cost of basic income for Stockton would be around $1.8 billion, so simple mathematics might doom such a scheme.

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My Thoughts

How an American Basic Income Might Work

One of the biggest advantages of a basic income scheme is that it would actually be fairly easily to implement. No new bureaucracy or social services mechanisms would be needed to set one up. One of the biggest benefits of basic income would be to address the problems of rural poverty and the hollowing out of small town America. The real problem facing communities such as Beattyville, Kentucky, (America’s poorest white town) is a lack of cash.

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Why No Presidential Candidate Will Visit Beattyville

Judging by the candidates’ responses, it will take a violent upheaval of some sort on behalf of poor whites simply to attract the attention of the media and the political elite. One just hopes our leaders respond to that upheaval with compassion and common sense and not with bayonets and tanks.

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