Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche



CVS Health is a Revenue Generating Machine

Naturally some people will be wondering if CVS is the best retail stock out there today because it seems to be both deflation and Amazon-proof. The answer is maybe because I think this company is a little overpriced, it was trading at $88.99 a share on September 30, 2016.

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Crazy StocksStocks

Target & CVS: Is It Canada All Over Again?

Target already lost a lot of customer loyalty with the data breach. If the pharmacy sale gets botched, the results could be worse, particularly if CVS provides a lower level of customer service or major snafus such as CVS not being able to process Target prescriptions result.

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National Healthcare Could Boost the Economy

f something as shoddy, as poorly designed and as inefficient as Obamacare can have such benefits, just imagine what would result from a real national healthcare program like the expansion of Medicare to cover all Americans.

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Good Stocks

CVS Health Has a Lot to Prove

My prediction is that CVS’s revenue will continue to grow but none of its competitors will follow its lead and go tobacco free. Instead, CVS will be something of an anomaly, which will buy it a lot of good publicity and support from the healthcare industry.

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A Few Things That You Need to Know about Obamacare

All this being said, Obamacare is a very poorly designed and highly ineffective program that will fail. From what I have seen of it, it is clear that those who designed Obamacare have no real understanding of the realities of American business, economics, healthcare, and insurance.

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Long Ideas

How Medicaid Expansion Helps Walgreen and Hurts Dollar Stores

It looks as if Obamacare could be changing the retail landscape by expanding Medicaid. That expansion seems to be driving customers to stores with pharmacies and leaving traditional dollar stores high and dry. One wonders how long Walgreen can continue to profit from that upheaval and how long before Kroger, CVS Health, and Walmart Stores Inc. start expanding their Medicaid business.

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