Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche



AI Playing Video Games, Learning Warehouse Jobs and Building other AI

The most frightening AI of all is being developed by a Google project called AutoML (machine learning). The goal of AutoML is to create an AI that can design and build other AIs, The Times reported.

Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) is trying to build AI that can reproduce. The thinking behind AutoML is to reduce the need for the highly-paid engineers and computer scientists who to design and build AIs.

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Will Robots Make Restaurants like Denny’s more Valuable?

Some contrarians will wonder if Denny’s will become a value with restaurant automation. I would say no because there will simply be too much competition particularly from supermarket operators like Kroger (NYSE: KR).

Fortunately there is a potential value investment for restaurant automation. It is ABB (NYSE: ABB), the Swiss company that makes Zume’s robots. If ABB’s robots can make pizza; they might be adaptable for a wide variety of restaurant tasks; such as burger flipping with Miso’s software. Miso’s business plan is to sell operating software for kitchen robots.

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