Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche


You Missed It

Would Raising the Minimum Wage Really Help the Economy?

Nor would the increased wage necessarily raise people out of poverty. A working mother with two kids that earned Nebraska’s increased minimum wage of $9 an hour would make $17,280 a year if she worked full time (40 hours a week). That woman would still be below the federal poverty level. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has set the poverty level for a family of three at $19,790 a year.

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Long Ideas

How Medicaid Expansion Helps Walgreen and Hurts Dollar Stores

It looks as if Obamacare could be changing the retail landscape by expanding Medicaid. That expansion seems to be driving customers to stores with pharmacies and leaving traditional dollar stores high and dry. One wonders how long Walgreen can continue to profit from that upheaval and how long before Kroger, CVS Health, and Walmart Stores Inc. start expanding their Medicaid business.

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