Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Is PayPal Making Money?


PayPal Grows and Grows and Grows

Impressively, I estimate PayPal added 26 million accounts between 2nd Quarter 2018 and 2nd Quarter 2019. In addition, Statista estimates PayPal’s peer-to-peer (P2P) app Venmo had 40 million active accounts and a $24-billion net payment volume in 2nd Quarter 2019.

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The Power of PayPal (PYPL)

Nor is just PayPal, Umar wants to let Ant Financial’s Alipay into Pakistan, The Express Tribune reports. It is easy to see why Umar is so eager to let PayPal into Pakistan. The finance minister wants to make it easier for money to enter his country through resources like PayPal.

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PayPal and the Future of Payments

PayPal might be shut out of markets by central banks like the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), or find itself competing with banks like the Federal Reserve. Something to remember is the paper money was developed by private banks and appropriated by central banks. The appropriation of electronic payments networks by central banks is beginning in countries like China and India, and it is likely to spread around the world.

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PayPal’s Explosive Growth

This humble fin-tech company has the potential to grow into a platform rivaling Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) and Google in size and scope. More importantly, PayPal has the potential to generate amounts of cash similar to those currently churned out by the monster banks or Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS). PayPal is a value investment for the future.

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Good Stocks

PayPal’s Extraordinary Growth Continues

PayPal sees a bright future for P2P and is betting big on the technology. The company acquired the Canadian cloud-based payment processor TIO Networks for $233 million in February, a press release indicates.

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Long Ideas

PayPal Keeps Growing and Growing and Growing

That makes PayPal a growth stock that generates a lot of cash. My guess is that it will pay a nice dividend day, but until then it will generate a lot of cash and grow systematically. PayPal is on track to becoming a payment industry giant that might outstrip such historic rivals as American Express (NYSE: AXP) at some point.

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