Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Medicare for All


A Few Policies that could Help Save the American Middle Class

Effectively increase the income of many middle class families because they would no longer have to save for children’s college tuition. If a family is currently saving $1,000 a month for college, its income would increase by $1,000 a month. This would create more spending and stimulate the economy. Many families would enjoy a better lifestyle and parents would be able to save more for retirement.

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The Sanders Agenda: What Is It, and Would It Work?

The strangest thing about the Sanders agenda is that it does not go far enough. Sanders fails or refuses to address some of the major problems afflicting America today, including the high cost of housing, inequality in the public schools, lack of funds for local government, income insecurity, the pension crisis, student loan debt and the coming crisis in Social Security in Medicare.

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