Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Pundi X (NPXS)


How an Emerging Markets Currency Crisis will Cause Coin Prices to Explode

A fast-moving emerging markets crisis can greatly increase demand for cryptocurrencies. Altcoin prices could shoot up as residents of crisis nations seek safe havens for their money.

Cryptocurrency is the easiest and fastest way for Argentines, Turks, Venezuelans, and others to move their money out of country. All a person needs to convert funds to altcoins is a credit card and an internet connection. Anybody can download a digital wallet, and buy cryptocurrency in a few seconds.

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Is Pundi X a Great Cryptocurrency Opportunity?

Pundi X and Manticora Capital plan to set up 1,000 Pundi XPOS POS (Point of Sale) payment terminals across Colombia, Pundi’s Medium announced. The terminals will be placed in stores, hotels, and other businesses. That means average people and not geeks will use the devices.

“By rolling out the device to hundreds of retail outlets each month we’re hoping to play a role in progressively furthering the adoption of cryptocurrencies in Colombia,” Manticora CEO Ivan Correa said.

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These Cryptocurrencies want to Shake up Payment will Banks let them?

Specifically, Pundi X has created a device, a sort of payment terminal that connects with a user’s phone allowing them to spend cryptocurrency at a brick and mortar store. The ultimate goal would be a sort of Square (NYSE: SQ) for the cryptocurrency payments. That is a device that would function as a cash register for cryptocurrency transactions.

Each of these cryptocurrencies provides a cautionary tale for altcoin investors and speculators. The moral of that story is that each of these projects is theoretical and their technologies and business plans unproven.

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