Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Amazon (AMZN)

Grocery Wars

Amazon Fulfillment Center could Unionize

Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) has fought unionization hard. For instance, The New York Times claims Amazons spent over $4.3 million fighting the JFK8 union drive.

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How Much Money did Amazon Make in 2021?

On the other hand, Amazon Inc. (AMZN) is generating less cash. For example, Amazon’s quarterly operating cash flow fell from $30.431 billion on 31 December 2020 to $22.086 billion on 31 December 2021.

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How Much Cash do the FAANG Stocks Have?

I think a group of stocks I call the NAMPOF, or NAMPOM, is an excellent alternative to the FAANG.

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The Death Spiral

Foot Locker shows Mr. Market is insane

Thus, much of Foot Locker’s growth is playing catch up. I doubt the growth can continue if it returns to post pandemic levels. Remember, the Retail Apocalypse is still out there and the great plague known as Amazon (AMZN) is still on the march.

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Market Commentary

Jeff Bezos Goes out On Top

Bezos is leaving as Amazon generates incredible amounts of cash. For instance, Amazon (AMZN) reported a quarterly operating cash flow of $30.431 billion on December 31, 2020. Additionally, Amazon reported a quarterly ending cash flow of $12.175 billion on the same day.

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Grocery Wars

Amazon (AMZN) owns Retail, can Anybody Compete?

It should scare brick and mortar retailers because Amazon Go could generate profits similar to Amazon itself.

For instance, Amazon Go could generate up $2,700 a square foot in annual sales per square foot, Brick meets Click, claims. In contrast, Costar estimated Walmart’s annual sales-per-square foot was $325 in 2018.

Thus Amazon Go’s sales per square foot could be seven times those of Walmart’s. However, the Apple Store’s sales per square foot were nearly twice Amazon Go’s at $5,546 in 2017.

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