Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Capital One (NYSE: COF)


Is Square Making Money?

Square has the ability to dramatically increase the amount of cash flowing through the till but a hard time maintaining that cash from operations. The danger here is that cash flow is not steady, which makes it hard to generate flow, or keep the money

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Long Ideas

Capital One and the Value in Finance

This demonstrates that Capital One’s business is growing but becoming less lucrative.

The company needs to do more to control expense and increase the more profitable aspects of its business. An obvious solution might be to find better ways to market credit cards; perhaps Samuel L. Jackson and Jennifer Garner’s salaries might be better spent elsewhere.

One obvious strategy would be increased investment in social media and more modern marketing. A potential solution might be sentiment based-social media marketing driven or directed by artificial intelligence.

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Long Ideas

Is Western Union Doomed or an Income Value?

Western Union is making a lot of money and generating a lot of float for its size. It’s also easy to see why its stock value is going up. Ycharts reported that investors were rewarded with a dividend yield of 3.13% and a return on equity of 63.2% on September 16, 2016.

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Good StocksStocks

Capital One: The Value in Banks and Credit Cards

Capital One is a value investment because it makes a lot of money and carries a lot of float like a bank. Yet it is also experiencing a lot of growth, which makes a really good long-term buy and hold play.

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