Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Gnosis (GNO)


Can Cryptocurrency Prediction Markets Forecast the Future at Gnosis?

Augur (REP) and Gnosis’s (GNO) Coin Prices are close. For instance, CoinMarketCap gave Gnosis a Coin Price of $16.68 on 7 February 2020. Meanwhile, CoinMarketCap gave Augur a Coin Price of $15.96 on the same day.

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Are Prediction Markets for Real?

Consequently, I think present-day prediction markets cannot work. My guess is that prediction markets will need better data aggregation and analysis technology to work. Algorithms that could screen out human emotions or sentiments could make a prediction market effective. On the other hand, artificial intelligence or machine learning could soon provide that technology.

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Swimming in Prediction Markets at Gnosis (GNO)

Effectively, Gnosis is a platform that lets anybody build blockchain prediction markets with a solution called Gnosis Olympia. Interestingly, Gnosis Olympia lets users bet with OLY tokens, which it describes as Olympia’s “official play money token.”

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CryptocurrencyMarket Commentary

Augur asks are Prediction Markets Profitable?

Augur is designed to be the most ambitious blockchain predictions market yet. It intends to collect data from Political Forecasts, Event Hedging, Weather Prediction, and Company Forecasting.
Anybody can go into Augur’s Ethereum blockchain platform and create a prediction market. That’s where the weird markets about Betty White’s murder came from. A person can take odds on any event.

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These Cryptocurrencies might benefit from Legalized Sports Betting in the USA

Sports betting can be big business in the United States; The New York Times estimated the value of illegal sport wagers in the USA at $150 billion a year. The potential market for such betting is huge; there were 57.4 million fantasy-sports players in North America in 2016, according to an Ipsos Public Affairs poll commissioned by the Fantasy Sports Trade Association.

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Gnosis and Stox are Cryptocurrencies based on Prediction

The thinking behind a prediction market is that the wisdom of the crowd can determine the outcome. and collecting bets is the best means of learning what the wisdom of the crowd.

The belief is that markets are the more efficient mechanism for gauging human opinion, and that taking bets is the best way to get honest results from a survey.

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