Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

real estate bubble

Market Insanity

Average American cannot afford to buy a Home in 25 States

The housing crisis is far worse than we have been led to believe – if this data is correct. If that was not scary enough, the data shows that most of the nation is now in a real estate bubble.

If How Much’s data is correct the American dream of universal home ownership is dead. Most Americans now live in areas where they cannot afford to buy the average home with an ordinary mortgage.
There were 31 states in which the income needed to buy a home exceeded the median household income, Simplepost calculated. That means there are 31 states in which the average resident cannot afford to buy the typical home.

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Market InsanityOpportunities

Ten Threats to America’s Real Estate Market

The question to ask is not will the real-estate bubble burst, but when and how will it burst. There are many things that can pop the bubble, but 10 threats to the real estate market stand out.

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You Missed It

Six Things about the US Economy that should scare you to Death

The Public Pension Crisis. State and local governments across the nation have accumulated $4.798 trillion in pension obligations, but they have only $3.607 to cover the promises to employees, The Hoover Institution calculated. That means they will have to come up with $1.91 trillion, and the most likely place it will come from is cutting basic government services.

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Market Insanity

More Proof that a Real Estate Bubble is Brewing

A brokerage called ValueInsured is now selling something called +Plus, CNBC’s Realty Check reported. Unlike traditional mortgage insurance; which reimburses lenders, +Plus pays the buyer up to 20% of the home’s value or the down payment in case the property ends up underwater.

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Long IdeasStocks

Does Lowe’s Make Money?

This uneven real estate market could be a threat to Lowe’s because much of its success is based on the presumption that Americans will constantly want to improve their homes to increase value. If real estate prices stop going up or start falling dramatically, there could be little or no incentive for home improvement.

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You Missed It

Situation in Seattle Shows Why America Has an Unsolvable Housing Crisis and a Real Estate Bubble

What that really means is that the property values of mostly white, upper middle class people are more important than meeting a basic need of working families. It is perfectly okay for waiters to sleep in their cars and the poor to live under bridges as long as the high values of and Microsoft executives’ homes are maintained. Jeff Bezos does not have to worry about anybody constructing an apartment house on his block.

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The Death Spiral

Real Estate Prices Near 2006 Levels or Are They?

A more likely scenario is that the collapse of the bubbles in areas like Denver and the Bay Area will drag down real estate prices nationwide and further depress the market. A real estate market collapse is likely, but it will not be a bubble; instead, it will be deflation as housing costs fall because of lower demand. The factor most likely to trigger that event would be an increase in mortgage interest rates.

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The Death Spiral

Real Estate Bubble on the Coasts

The difference is that this real estate boom is confined to specific parts of the country; it is not happening on Main Street, and the middle class is not participating.

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