Market Mad House

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Hyperloop Testing


Hyperloop Test Track under Construction in France

One thing is obvious; Hyperloop Transportation Technologies has found some serious financing.

The most likely source of that money is the French government, another is the aerospace giant Airbus SE (EPA: AIR); or Airbus Group, which is headquartered in Toulouse. Airbus would presumably manufacture the Hyperloop pods which would be similar in construction and design to an airliner.

This might make HTT the most serious and best-financed Hyperloop effort. Those seeking a Hyperloop stock would be well-advised to take a look at Airbus because the company is publicly-traded.

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Long Ideas

Hyperloop Testing Begins, SpaceX Plans Contest and Test Track

Hyperloop Technologies Inc., or Hyperloop Tech, is building the first full-scale Hyperloop tube demonstration project in the parking lot of an abandoned truck garage in downtown LA’s seedy Arts District.

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